K9 Veterans Day

10th Annual K9 Veterans Day Recognition
March 10, 2024

Please plan to join us for Wisconsin’s 10th Annual K9 Veterans Day ceremony at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 10, at the American Legion Banquet Center in Fort Atkinson! Public welcome.

If you love working K9s and want to honor them and their handlers, we encourage you to join us for this special event!

Follow this link for the printable invitation/poster:
FINAL – Invitation 2024-1

Our featured speaker will be Jerry Witt, U.S. Army Sergeant and Scout Dog Handler, who served in Vietnam in the late 1960s.   Together with his scout dog, Jerry led patrols of infantry through jungles ahead of the main troops.  One of his dogs made the ultimate sacrifice when he alerted on a booby trap from which he was unable to escape.

View a plaque presented to Jerry Witt at last year’s ceremony:
FINAL – Plaque – Jerry Witt

The recipient of the inaugural Terry Beck Protective Services scholarship will also be recognized as he pursues a career in fire protection.

Also honored will be fallen K9s from the past year and retiring working K9s. All K9 handlers—active and retired—in attendance will be recognized. All K9s in attendance will also receive a special treat.

Prior to the event at the American Legion, there will be a wreath-laying ceremony at the K9 Veterans Memorial in Fort Atkinson’s McCoy Park at 12:30 p.m. Immediately following that, participants will gather at the American Legion.

McCoy Park is located at 1100 Old Madison Road (across from Salamone’s Italian Pizzeria, 1245 Madison Avenue) and the American Legion Banquet Center is located at 201 S. Water Street East, both in Fort Atkinson, WI.

Please join us on March 10 to honor all working K9s and their handlers for their public service.

FortAtkinsonOnline.com coverage:

Vietnam veteran, K-9 handler Jerry Witt to speak at 10th Annual K-9 Veterans Day observance

FortAtkinsonOnline.com feature:

Fort Atkinson Police Department to observe K-9 Veterans Day



Sunday, March 12, 2023

Please plan to join us for Wisconsin’s 9th Annual K9 Veterans Day ceremony at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 12, at the American Legion Banquet Center in Fort Atkinson!


This year’s program will be exciting. Our featured speaker is SGM Viridiana Lavalle, Office of the Provost Marshal General, U.S. Army Military Working Dog Program Manager, and an experienced veteran K9 handler.

Link to 3-minute video — Why I Serve:  Provost Marshal Sergeant Major Lavalle


We will honor the K9 handlers and their K9 partners who appeared on Wisconsin’s Assembly when March 13 was officially proclaimed K9 Veterans Day in 2015.

The recipient of the inaugural Terry Beck Protective Services scholarship will be recognized as he continues to pursue his degree in fire protection.

Also honored will be fallen K9s from the past year and retiring working K9s.  All K9 handlers—active and retired—in attendance will be recognized. All K9s in attendance will also receive a special treat.


Prior to the event at the American Legion location, there will be a wreath-laying ceremony at the K9 Veterans Memorial in Fort Atkinson’s McCoy Park at 12:30 p.m.  Immediately following that, participants will gather at the American Legion.

McCoy Park is located at 1100 Old Madison Road (across from Salamone’s Italian Pizzeria, 1245 Madison Avenue) and the American Legion Banquet Center is located at 201 S. Water Street East, both in Fort Atkinson, WI.


A block of 15 rooms has been reserved at Fort Atkinson’s Holiday Inn Express for the nights of March 10th, 11th, and 12th. Special rates apply and there will be an additional charge for guests with canines.

Link to Holiday Inn Express reservation information

Link to Jan. 27, 2023 article on FortAtkinsonOnline.com

Link to Mar. 8, 2023 article on FortAtkinsonOnline.com

Click here to view the PDF of the invitation to the 2023 K9 Veterans Day Program

K9 Veterans Memorial

Terry Beck Memorial Scholarship



History of K9 Veterans Day Commemorations

The 2022 K9 Veterans Day celebration is scheduled for Sunday, March 13.

Please plan to join us for Wisconsin’s 8th Annual K9 Veterans Day ceremony at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 13, at the American Legion Banquet Center in Fort Atkinson!

Our featured speaker is John Meeks—veteran K9 handler, bronze star recipient, and Executive Director of the U.S. War Dogs Association, Chapter 3.

We will also honor Riggs (with his handler Deputy Terry Tifft), the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department K9 who was shot in the line of duty.

Also honored will be fallen K9s from the past year and retiring working K9s.  All K9 handlers—active and retired—in attendance will be recognized. All K9s in attendance will also receive a special treat.

An announcement about the Terry Beck Protective Services Scholarship fund will also be made.

Prior to the event at the American Legion location, there will be a wreath-laying ceremony at the K9 Veterans Memorial in Fort Atkinson’s McCoy Park at 12:30 p.m.  Immediately following that, participants will gather at the American Legion.

If you love working K9s and if you want to honor them and their handlers, we encourage you to join us for this special event!

McCoy Park is located at 1100 Old Madison Road (across from Salamone’s Italian Pizzeria, 1245 Madison Avenue) and the American Legion Banquet Center is located at 201 S. Water Street East, both in Fort Atkinson, WI.

FINAL – 2022 Invitation


Check out the press coverage for the 6th Annual K9 Veterans Day celebration held Sunday, March 8, 2020.   There is a link to a pdf of the Daily Union article, and links to the Milton Courier shown below.

K9 Vets Day article Daily Union 3.10.2020



The following 33-photo album is on the Milton Courier site:


2020 – Invitation

K9 Veterans' Day Flag

The 2020 Observance of K9 Veterans Day will be  Sunday, March 8, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m., at the American Legion, 201 S Water Street E,  in Fort Atkinson.  Ron Werneth, military historian and critically acclaimed author, will be the featured speaker.

Following the observance at the Legion, there will be a wreath placed at the K9 Veterans Memorial at McCoy Park on Madison Avenue. 

The public is invited to participate as we honor our K9 heroes.  For more details, click the link to the invitation.  2020 – Invitation

National Recognition

March 13, 1942, is the official birthday of the United States K9 Corps. In 2009, the late Joseph White, retired military dog handler, began the effort to honor military and working dogs by proclaiming March 13 as K9 Veterans Day.

Following Joe White’s leadership, there is a national effort to establish March 13 as K9 Veterans Day. Several states have already taken that step. Our goal is to have March 13 proclaimed as national K9 Veterans Day, similar to our current Veterans Day.

K9 Veterans Day is intended to honor military dogs as well as those working with police, customs, border patrol, service, therapy and other working dogs whose mission it is to protect and serve the homeland and people within it.

Working dogs are commended for their loyalty and devotion and are known for placing themselves in harm’s way even to the point of making the ultimate sacrifice for their partners, handlers, and trainers.

Please consider supporting our cause.

Contact your representatives:
K9 Veterans Day Brochure (for legislators)

Sign the petition:

Collect signatures:
Petition - United States

Wisconsin Legislation

They say dogs are man’s best friend, but military and police working dogs are so much more.
From World War 1 to present day, these dogs have laid down their own lives, for our freedom and safety.
They deserve recognition for that faithful service and sacrifice.
– State Representative, Andy Jorgensen

On March 17, 2015, state legislation was passed to declare March 13th as K9 Veterans Day in Wisconsin.  KCFA treasurer, Mabel Schumacher, was in attendance for the passing of the legislation.

March 17 2015 - 01 March 17 - K9s in the Assembly

March 17 2015 - 03 March 17 2015 - 02

While the legislation was not passed in time to officially celebrate K9 Veterans Day in Wisconsin for 2015, a gathering was held in Fort Atkinson, WI, to observe the holiday.  Attendees included State Senator Steve Nass, State Representative Andy Jorgensen, State Representative Cody Horlacher, and retired military handler, Jerry Witt.

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In the Media